The Loch Sheldrake House
Central to everything upstate

The Property
Lake Access 2 min. walk from house
Swimming , Boating, Rentals Available - Expandible property accomodates up to 30+ People
- Playground for the kids (cottage & duplex)
Local Attractions
- Loch Sheldrake Shul 5 min. walk
- Vacation Village 12 min. walk
- Sheldrake Hill 12 min. walk
- Be’er Hatorah 15 min. walk
- Garden View Estates 15 min. walk - Mikvah
- Edenwoods Estates 15 min. walk
- Evergreen Estates 20 min. walk
- Town& Country Estates 25 min. walk
- Woodbourne shul 10 min. drive
- Vishnitz-Fallsburg 10 min Drive
Food Nearby
- Formagio By Mendelsohns 5 min. Walk
Sushi Tokyo (seasonal) 7 min.walk
- Brooklyn Brick oven pizza (Seasonal) 5 min. walk
- Stargelt Café (seasonal) 6 min. walk
- Liberty Pizza (Year-Round) 5 min. Drive
- Main St. Pizza -Fallsburg (Year-Round) 10 min. drive
- Woodbourne 10 min. drive
- Landau’s Supermarket (Year-Round) 10 min. drive
- Boosur – Takeout (Year-Round) 10 min. drive